Inspired by the ArnoldLobel books. A pistachio cake with chocolate frosting. Chocolate and marshmallow fondant decoration. For my son's 3rd birthday. Here is the recipe and tutorial.
R2D2 cake for my son's belated 7th star wars birthday party. Poundcake with buttercream frosting and marshmellow fondant. Here is a link to the full Star Wars party plan and here is the R2D2 cake tutorial
This was a 6-8-10-12 chocolate pound cake with buttercream frosting, and fondant decorations. Trucks, dogs, hydrants, hoses, ladders, flames, water, and firefighters.
This is the 20 inch tall lemon pound cake, with white decorator frosting, fondant decorations and silver dragees- don't you love the see through window with astronaut photo- (thanks to a little cut and paste and google images i made it into my son. )
Here is the accompanying earth cake (as you can see the continents were very rough approximations!) it is also also pound cake with buttercream and fondant decorations.
These were for my son's 6th birthday- cupcakes for school and a 8" mini-cake on the big day. Yellow cake with buttercream frosting and fondant rockets, moons and stars.
in honor of puddles and ponds week at preschool camp (and yes those are red eyed tree frogs at the special request of smart son- we didn't achieve exact scientific habitat authenticity) Crafted in 1 hr with 1/4 box of leftover fondant- while holding a teething baby! don't look to close
A chocolate pound cake with chocolate buttercream frosting, chocolate tiles and chocolate sack and choclate dipped frosting with brown fondant accents.